Pablo Picasso was an incredible artist who shook the 20th century with his vision. During an art class in college, I remember watching a video of Picasso painting. Throughout the video, Picasso worked primarily on one painting. However, instead of simply adding detail into the one painting, he kept changing the painting at hand, adding …
Music is a great complement to the visual arts. It helps build bridges between the left and right side of the brain. I’ve been playing drums for 2 decades now (wow- that feels crazy to say!). I have admired many different drummers throughout my amateur drumming career. One of my drum heroes is the beautiful …
I worked a bit this last season to bring some more color into my office, painting my chairs a bright orange and trimming small pieces out with a light teal. In addition, I painted two pieces using a deep pthalo blue, which is a deeper teal. Now, each day I enter into my office, it …
Here’s a fun and fresh color palette inspired from one of my photos of a blossoming crabapple tree at my mom’s house.
Here are some photos I took of the things that are inspiring me as the snow is melting during Spring in the Sierras: