New Graphic Design Project: Artful poster
Just because you can design a poster on Word, doesn’t mean you should. In fact, it is actually a disservice to your business. In a world inundated with visual stimulation, simple clip-art thrown between the mismatched fonts such as Times New Roman, Comic Sans, and Papyrus makes you look like an amateur and subconsciously communicates the same to your clients (yikes!). Therefore, if you want to be noticed and taken seriously, you have to stand out. This is why our clients chose us to design their upcoming event poster.
Our clients wanted to have a stand-out poster design for an upcoming event so they hired Sara to paint and then use the artwork in a colorful, event poster design. The process included reviewing location photos, researching the plants that would be found in the area, painting in colors to reflect a welcoming time of day, and then mocking the final image up into an actual poster design. The result: a fun, fresh event poster as well as an original, customized painting ready to hang! Can you say PIZAZZ?