Many businesses and organizations create Facebook Fan Pages not knowing that it can become an amazing marketing tool. They simply sign up, assuming that it is just the thing to do today, next to filing a fictitious business name and ordering business cards. After floundering around in the Facebook waters wondering what to post, when to post, and how to gain followers, a page may start to gain popularity simply by the amount of customers it has. However, simply having a sea of followers does not mean you are using Facebook to its fullest potential for your marketing growth.
According to 5 Ways to Improve Your Facebook News Feed Exposure by Brian Carter, “photos often get from 5 to 20 times as much interaction as any other type of Facebook post [statuses, links or videos].” As the VP of Marketing for Infinigraph writes in his article, there are ways to maximize your posts through unique imagery and inspired requests for engagement, as well as other suggestions.
If you are an administrator of a Facebook Fan Page and are looking for ways to increase your feed exposure, check out 5 Ways to Improve Your Facebook News Feed Exposure for some healthy insights.