Creating a contest is a great way to attract the attention of new customers, as well as get remembered by repeat customers. For the small amount the prize costs you and the time it takes you to host the contest, a contest can often gain more exposure and have more of an effect than if that same amount of money and time was invested in advertising. However, in creating a contest, there are many things to take into consideration before launch.
One of the most important things to consider are the laws and regulations of your city, state, social network, etc. Some prizes may have tax complications for both the recipient and provider that need to be reviewed on a state by state basis (and most likely, by a lawyer and CPA). Additionally, some social networks may have strict guidelines about what type of promotional events and contests can be promoted through their network, as well as the means of promotion itself.
If you are interested in hosting a contest to help boost your brand awareness and ultimately increase your sales, visit Vertical Response’s article to read more about hosting online contests.