Happy New Year!
Many people have mentioned that they are planning to work on their business after the New Year. So, the time has come and many are wondering what to do. Below is your business’ New Year’s resolution in 10 ways to help grow your business this new year:
- Get organized: Have receipts flying around and file folders everywhere on your desktop? Create a system to help streamline your paperwork and information. It will streamline your day down the road.
- Get clear: Get very clear on your messaging, your price structure, and your services. Carve out 2 hours per week to get these three done. This will not only streamline your day, but will also help you clearly get your word out to customers.
- Establish your goals for the year: What is it you really want? How many more clients do you want or products do you want to sell each month? Sit down and create realistic goals for the year, then break them down per month. Then reflect on what is realistic in terms of your current workforce, hours per week, etc. If your goals exceed your fulfillment, then your goals need to also include growing your fulfillment side of your business.
- Create a plan based on those goals: How are you going to reach those goals? Create a plan for marketing, advertising, promotions, R&D, etc. Create an overall plan for the year, then break them down per month, and even by week. Assign tasks to employees, coworkers, or even to yourself on your calendar. As much as it seems like a good idea, do not just throw a contest, do not just have a sale, do not just have a newsletter, do not just make a video, etc. You NEED a plan so your efforts invoke a call to action that you WANT to have happen.
- Create a ToDo Calendar: Finally have some time to work on your business but can’t prioritize, let alone remember what you were supposed to work on? Create a to-do list that links to your calendar and assign these new tasks you made from your plan above. Create a system so you constantly return to this list throughout the day so you get in the habit of seeing what is next on the list AND get the successful feeling of crossing your tasks off.
- Reiterate your message: Let the world know about your message and services by reiterating them on all marketing materials, including your website.
- Make time for YOU: You are not a machine and you do your best work once you are rested. So schedule some time for you during your busy week. It sounds counterintuitive, but scheduling an hour for a walk, yoga, massage, run, or just some reading time that is strictly for you, will help reenergize you and get you working more efficiently.
- Get realistic: Does your task list have 40+ things on it each day? Maybe it is time to hire someone? Can a professional help you get something done right in 2 hours that would take you 10 hours to do just okay? Wouldn’t it be worth having that professional help you with that task each month so you can spend those 10 hours making money? Or perhaps hiring a mom or high school student who needs some filler work a few hours per month to organize your office or do some errands for you? No need to hire someone to do your main tasks of your business. Just someone to help with the small tasks. Make your life easier and in doing so, you may be helping someone else out who needs some extra work.
- Learn some more: Stay on top of your industry by subscribing to blogs or Linked In groups that pertain to your business. No need to enroll in hours or hours of classes (unless mandatory for your licensing). Just subscribe to the endless feeds of information on the internet. You will not only stay up to date on new technology and tips, but will also learn about ways to become more competitive in your market.
- Get real help: Totally confused with what you are doing? There are thousands of professionals who can help you get streamlined in your business and in your day to day living. Spending a few hundred dollars here or there to get you on track may most likely help you earn thousands down the road. it IS worth the investment. If you don’t know what to blog about, what or when to be posting to your social networks, how to properly create a newsletter that drives traffic, how to properly hold a contest or sale, how to make a video that converts, or if it all feels overwhelming, contact me or another professional and we can create a plan to make this work for you.
Above are just a few ways to help you get your business on the right rack for the year. Taking the time to help your business grow will prove both profitable and rewarding.