A loose, impressionistic abstract, portrait or landscape starts at $2.50/sq inch on stretched canvas or paper for under 1200 square inches; $2/sq inch for 1200 square inches and up. This price structure is for portraits, landscapes, figures, and abstract paintings only. Different substrates are available at an additional rate.
The minimum charge is $450 for commissioned works. 50% of the payment is due up front; 50% due upon completion. This includes up to 1 hour of calls, emails, and changes. Changes to the painting, additional calls, meeting times, shipping and handling fees, etc. are billed at an hourly fee of $65/hour and are due upon shipment of artwork.
Illustrations, science illustration and design work are billed at a different rate. If interested, please contact me with your scope of work. I do not do murals on walls in other people’s homes, but I am happy to create you a large painting that you can then move with you when you sell your home.